are you over not trusting your own intuition
to just go for it?

I see you…

You’re successful, you’re accomplished, you’ve done things you didn’t even think were possible…


There’s this thing

It’s undefinable, intangible, like a feeling of emptiness, un-fulfilment that you try to escape but it keeps coming up, it won’t abate, and you’re left with this feeling…

“There’s just got to be more!”

Then you can feel it, the dissatisfaction, the frustration, the disappointment, the unease, the self doubt and say to yourself, “but I really should just be grateful for what I have”.  

Sound familiar?

How do you shake it, how do you make it stop, how do you make the change you so desperately know you need to make?

How do you arrive to the point where you can trust your intuition to do the things you’ve been prompted to do?

I get it, I’ve been there and I’ve traveled a long road to find the way and I know, it just doesn’t have to be that hard!

I know you want to find “it” and feel confident in your abilities to just go for it!

I’ve got you!


as seen in...

Hi, I’m Kirsten and I help people who want to make big changes in their life, activate their intuitive genius so they can trust themselves to take the leap… into the unknown.  

I’m an Intuitive Guide, Speaker and Author (The Inner Wealth Code – Seven Keys for BEING Wealthy, Even in Times of Uncertainty) for people who want to awaken to their Highest Potential and live life in alignment with their Soul’s mission and purpose in this lifetime.

It’s my mission to inspire people to feel completely aligned and trusting of their own inner guidance, to know their intuition is always speaking to them, giving them the answers, leading them to resources, and anything they need, to fulfil their unique and powerful destiny.

Hello, my name is Kirsten, and I inspire people who want to make significant life changes to awaken their Intuitive Genius, so they can trust themselves to take the leap… into the unknown. 

Intuitive Guide, Speaker, and Author of The Inner Wealth Code – Seven Keys for BEING Wealthy, Even in Times of Uncertainty

I serve people who desire to awaken to their Highest Potential and live in accordance with their Soul’s mission and purpose for this lifetime. 

My mission is to inspire people to fully align and trust their own intuition.  To know and trust their instincts are always speaking to them, giving them answers, leading them to resources, and anything else they may require to realise their individual and potent destiny.

leaping into the unknown...

Stelita created opportunity after opportunity by following her intuition and diving headfirst into the unknown. She was given a high-priced package to be the spokesman for after feeling like the walls were crumbling in and not knowing how she was going to pay the rent. She has also been picked to speak in front of her team and submit her price for a consulting job.

“I don’t ever want to go back to the known,” she declared. “The place for me is in the unknown!”


To discover more of who you are, more than you ever thought you could be.

You have more gifts to uncover and an intuitive genius that is leading the way… you get to trust you are here for a reason and a purpose.  It’s your time to leap into the unknown and own the fullest version of who you are in this world right now!

what do I know about leaping?

My “Leaping Story” is born out of a lot of experience and experimentation over the years.  There have been some wins and some losses. However, having undergone all forms of experimentation and failing more times than I care to share, I have learned a lot about what works and what does not work.  

These experiences have brought me to  be more trusting of my intuition (and going into the unknown), as well as, slowing me down enough to consider high-level planning so I can make the magic happen!

I’m sharing the following leaping stories because they show the ways we get distracted with life and ignore the little voice within that is always offering us guidance.  See if you can relate to any of them.  Are you listening to your intuition?

One of the biggest turning points in my life occurred by ignoring  my intuition and doing nothing  towards a leap.  I could feel a change coming but I had no inclination to expand into opportunities or possibilities at that stage, I was complacent and settled, things were good enough.  I kept getting nudges but I ignored them all.  Then it happened for me, I was made redundant.

The biggest lesson I learned from this experience is that we are constantly receiving intuitive nudges and if we continue to ignore them, something will happen that will make us look and evaluate our lives.  My recommendation is the same as Gay Hendricks, “listen to the intuitive tickles lest they appear as sledgehammers”.

Then there’s the example of acting immediately on an intuitive guidance without taking the time to work through a plan.  I call this, leaping without a parachute.  Getting separated from my husband without a plan resulted in a substantial amount of financial chaos.  To be honest, there is no perfect time for divorce but making a leap without a plan equals crash landing. 

Taking a leap with the energy of people pleasing didn’t work out very well for me either.  I made decisions from a place of not wanting to let other people down.  I could hear the voices telling me to slow down, to review, to ground but I didn’t listen.  These have resulted in very poor money choices.

The times I have leaped with the most amazing full body YES have been the ultimate.  There is an energy about it that is tangible (and contagious).  These are the times when intuitive inspiration meets planning and action, and this is where the real magic happens.  This is when the thing that you are going after comes to you, in a way you least expect.

Yes, there is a strategy to leaping!  Yes, there is a plan to be developed but the most important part is to listen to the Intuitive guidance that is being shared at every moment.  Make sure you are going towards experiences that give you a full body YES!  When you can trust yourself to be your guiding authority, you will trust yourself to leap into the unknown.


🗝 I’m a tri-national – I was born in South Africa, to parents from New Zealand, and I became an Australian citizen by naturalisation. 

🗝 I’ve visited over 40 countries and lived in over 8 of them, including 3 before I was 12. 

🗝 I’ve scaled Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain at 5,895 metres (19,341 feet), and I have an ambition to take my son up Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas. 

🗝 I began my career in accounting and finance (yeah, that was never going to last haha); then I moved on to become the Design Manager for a construction company (best job ever); finally, I decided to make the leap into personal development, where the exploration of the deepest parts of my Soul, as well as those of others, has led to an alignment and fulfilment of purpose, better than I could have ever imagined.

🗝 I am the mother of one of the most remarkable people on Earth and the stepmother to three extraordinary teenagers.

🗝 Sadly, I was unable to make my marriage work. But, it was an amicable breakup, and we are still friends. 

🗝 I’ve had to restart numerous times in my life, which has given me the confidence and grit to trust my intuition and step into the unknown. 

🗝 I believe it’s crucial for us to unite our mystical selves with our physical selves in order to realise our full potential.

🗝 I used to be afraid of “not knowing,” but now that I have learned to trust in my intuition, despite life’s uncertainties.  I now realise my intuitive genius is in the “unknown”.

🗝 It was a game-changer to realise that I could just be “myself” and express myself in my own true and distinctive way. 

🗝 I have a complete commitment to my path and the individuals I am here to help. I’m also fully devoted to helping you on your journey into the unknown so that you can trust yourself, despite life’s uncertainties.



Kirsten Barfoot is an Australian-based Transformational Speaker, Mentor and Author of The Inner Wealth Code – Seven Keys for BEING Wealthy, Even in Times of Uncertainty.

She works privately with clients, runs transformational workshops, and is available for speaking engagements.

Kirsten calls people into the excitement and the adventure of the Unknown, the Void of Pure Potential, to discover more of who they are; more than they ever thought they could be.

Kirsten works well with passionate, driven, slightly eccentric individuals.  People who like to challenge the status quo, who like to do things their own way.  People who want to leave this life knowing they tried it all, gave it everything, made mistakes and know deep down, they left the world a better place just by being in it.

It is her personal mission to inspire lasting change, leadership, transformation and resourcefulness in others so they can live a life lit up from the inside, and in harmony with their Highest Potential.

She has been published in Thrive Global and featured in Business Insider.

Kirsten lives in Brisbane, Australia and is available to travel nationally, and internationally, for speaking and workshop engagements.